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About BioticNRG

BioticNRG is funded by APG Asset Management (“APG” ) on behalf of ABP. APG, the leading public pension fund manager in the Netherlands, invests, on behalf of its pension fund clients, over €500bn of the Dutch working population’s pensions to “not only deliver financial returns but also do our bit for society”. BioticNRG provides a platform to support the Socially Responsible, Sunstainable and Innovative goals of APG’s clients. BioticNRG’s investments and activities are managed by Palisade Real Assets (UK) Ltd, part of the globally experienced and hands-on infrastructure investment group, Palisade Investment Partners. BioticNRG’s seed asset is Malaby Biogas Ltd, upon which it is building an extensive pipeline of operating Anaerobic Digestion (“AD”) facilities, associated biogas and bifertiliser operations, development & innovation projects and associated adjacent opportunities.

Engineering and decarbonisation are at the heart of the BioticNRG platform. Taking and agnostic view on technological approaches, Biotic’s core focus is on investing in good performance and good people to build on their experience and take advantage of the emerging policy, regulatory and technical developments to build an efficient and interconnected enterprise looking to build long term value growth and stable returns as part of the transition to a low carbon, green economy in 2050 and beyond.

AD processes have allowed numerous aspects of the Net Zero Chanllenge to be addressed. In a high connected world there are significant opportunities to explore options across different sectors of the economy. Changing EU and UK support programs have allowed the biogas industry to pivot between decarbonising energy vectors such as electricity, heat & gas networks and transport fuels. In parallel, diverting organic wastes from landfills, promoting resource efficiencies and addressing soil depletion, nutrient runoff pollution and air quality standards have all allowed the AD universe to positively affect a range of areas which thus far have been hard to decarbonise – transport, agriculture, energy and resource and waste management.

BioticNRG aims to invest long term capital to promote stable returns and long term growth by investing in proven teams and flexible processes.

We welcome engagement with all stakeholder whether they are investors, policy makers, pregulators, operators, developers or the general public. We operate an open and inclusive organisation. Please contact us and we will put you in touch with a relevant member of our team.

Electricity Generated


Waste processed


Biofertilser produced


CO2eq emissions saved

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